Sunday, September 19, 2010

This week in September...

Not alot of fun pictures this week.  It seemed we were really busy, but yet it wasn't really that "interesting".  Our week was hectic so we really only did the basic schoolwork with no time for fun extras.

Monday we drove the 7 1/2 hours home from Jacksonville.  It should only be a 6 1/2 hour trip, but with five people in the car, we have to make various stops.  Actually only having an extra hour of drive time is probably a record for us!

But we got home around 4 p.m. and had to leave at 5 p.m for Chandler's football practice and Cooper's first night of Cub Scouts.    Needless to say, we were all a bit tired by the end of the day.

Tuesday we got up early as it was the first day of HomeSchool P.E.  This is a class that Chris is actually offering to the community of Homeschoolers in the area.  There are alot of different classes and opportunities for homeschoolers here but no one was offering P.E.  Our boys took P.E. in Jacksonville and they both loved it.  So we thought we would offer it here.  We sent the word out to all of the homeschool groups in the area and received a good response.  We asked for a nominal fee to cover expenses.  We offered two locations, one on each side of the area.   We split the classes up by age, so K-2, 3rd-5th, and 6th-8th.   So three hours of classes, on Tuesday and Thursday.  Our original plan was for our own boys to take the Tuesday class, which meant we would all be there for the whole four hours (actually five if you count driving there and back) which essentially kills our school work day.  I  took a few portable subjects with us, and Chandler got them done.  It's hard to get Cooper's attention on to schoolwork as there is a playground right there, and that is all he wants to do.  I packed a lunch and we essentially spent the day at the park.  Thankfully the weather is amazing right now!  Love the Fall!  The classes were a great success, the children had a good time and the parents seeemed to be happy.

Then Tuesday night, I had a meeting to go to, so Chris took the boys to Chandler's football practice.  It ended being another late night as we didn't end up getting home until 9 p.m.-ish, which makes bedtime another 30 minutes after that, adding up to it being WAY past bedtime for the Littles.

Wednesday was our day to re-coup.  But that was also our day to get all of the unpacking done, the house back in order, the groceries restocked.  Oh,  Max and Cooper had Karate.     Chandler and Cooper enjoyed playing outside with the neighborhood children in the afternoon.  It was a nice day to just hang out at home.

Thursday was P.E. at the other location.  I was not planning on attending this location on a weekly basis, but Chris felt he would need Chandler there for the older age group as that turn-out was a bit low.  Plus Cooper had said he had so much fun at the Tuesday class, he wanted to go to the Thursday class.
On one hand, it's good for the boys to have another day of running, exercising, having fun and being with other children. On the other hand,  it is really killing my school work schedule.   Not only did I have trouble getting the boy's to focus on the little bit of schoolwork I had brought along, the other parents there for were extremely friendly and kept talking to me.  That was nice,  I am not complaining, just say'n it put a dent in my plans.  So another day where only bare bones school work was accomplished.

Football again that night.

Friday was a day at home, so we worked on schoolwork but by this point in the week, I was officially fried so it was a pretty chill day at home.  Cooper had Cub Scouts again, as I wasn't too impressed with the first Pack that we met on Monday.  I can't stand dis-organization.  If you are going to have a large group of boys together in a space and try to accomplish something, you have to 1. Plan in advance, and 2. Have adults pitching in at the time to keep the boys on track.   I didn't see either of those things happening at the first Pack so I knew it would just not be a good place for us.  I found another pack that seemed pretty organized, if their website was anything to judge by.  So we went to the first meeting and I was impressed.  They seemed on the ball, had everything organized and planned.  I was happy.  When I asked Cooper on the drive home which he liked better, the first Pack or the second Pack, I was happy and surprised to hear the second one (he had known a few boys at the first Pack so I thought he may pick that one for that reason), so it was a win for both of us!  Oh yeah, plus I volunteered Chris to be the assistant Den Leader for Cooper's Den.  Chris wasn't thrilled to hear that, but he knows he will secretly enjoy it.
That night Chandler went to the Fair with his friend.  It was kind of a spur of the moment idea for them.  The friend's mom was going to drop them off and I would pick them up since I was right down the road at Cub Scouts with Cooper.  Cub Scouts was ending around 8 p.m. and that sounded like a good time for Chandler and his friend to be done at the Fair before the crazies come out.  I was a bit nervous as I think it was the first time Chandler has done something like that.  He has went places with friends, of course, but I don't remember a time when either a parent wasn't there  OR it wasn't in a controlled environment (like a church lock-in, or camp with counselors, etc).  This was all on their own, no parents, full of strangers and dangers!  But I guess he is old enough to start doing things like that.  I know his friend is a nice boy so I figured between the two of them, they would make the right choices.   Of course, I gave him the little pep talks before he left, and he said "Okay, Mom, I know, I know!"    I picked them up outside the Fair at 8:30 p.m. They said they had fun and of course spent every last dime in their pockets.

Saturday we went to Chandler's football game which is always a day long event by the time we drop him off early, wait for the younger children to play, watch his game, get loaded up, get home.   They lost again!  This was a rough game, children getting injured all over the field.  Chandler survived but is not happy about the fact they lose every game.

So that was our week!   Not exciting but definately tiring!

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