Thursday, May 16, 2013

Waterproof Bible Review

It's pool season!  I'm in the stage of life where I get to be that mom at the pool who sits there and reads books and magazines, because my boys are all very capable swimmers and able to interact with friends, and don't need me to be on hyper-alert.  So I'm looking for a good poolside read.  I received the  Waterproof Bible from  Bardin Marsee Publishing  as part of the Mosaic Review team, to review.  I was eager to see this Bible and wondering how the pages would feel.  Would they be plastic-y and crinkly??

There are five different versions available:
  • ESV - English Standard Version
  • KJV - King James Version
  • NIV - New International Version
  • NKJV - New King James Version
  • NLT - New Living Translation
The Waterproof Bible is available in two forms:
  • The Full Bible for $44.95
  • The New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs for $24.99

I received a blue KJV.  Much to my surprise,  pages and binding of the are made of synthetic (plastic) materials that are almost  indestructible.  They are waterproof, both inside and out. They even resist stains!  You can use ink and highlighters, and it doesn't rub off, or bleed through!  You can bend the pages, and be rough with it (well, not too rough, it is the BIBLE after all, lol!).   

I loved that the pages were not crinkly.  They didn't sound like plastic...I had envisioned a sound of a plastic garbage bag when turning pages. Nope, they feel smooth and almost hard to tell they are a plastic material.   This is going to be THE BEST pool-side read!  More than pool-side, I am planning on taking this IN the pool, while floating on my favorite pool noodle!

Head over to the Bardin Marsee Publishing website to take a look at the awesome waterproof Bibles and pick yours out!

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