Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week in Pictures

 Max working on painting a sun for the letter "S". 

The final product, Sun for letter "S".

Cooper working on his Red, White and Blue cupcakes, part of a history project.

Still working on those cupcakes.

The final product!  Yum!

Cooper doing a science experiment, testing to see if eggs float in Salt water versus Fresh water.

Chandler working on a science experiment for Chemistry...testing bases and acids.

Chandler's first football game of the season...he's in the middle, purple jersey, and green pants.

Kind of a bad picture of a beautiful play.  Chandler is sacking the quarterback...see #75 in Yellow/Green?  See the white helmet just in front of him...that's Chandler!

Cooper at the football POURED the entire time...we were all soaked!!

End of our week, playing in the river at Coon Tree in Pisgah Forest.
This is Chandler and his friend, a neighbor.

Max and Cooper playing in the water.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Looks like you had a fun week! Saw you on the HS Lounge. I like your workboxes!
We are doing Adventures too

Monica at